book-reviews, Uncategorized

Book Review #14: Slaughterhouse 5

Just like The Importance of being Earnest, this book has spent a while on my TBR. It first appeared 77 months ago on my physical TBR as preparation for my A-Level project wehre I had to pick a book to write an essay on. I never got round to reading this one as I chose… Continue reading Book Review #14: Slaughterhouse 5

book-reviews, Uncategorized

Book Review #13: The Importance of being Earnest

This has got to be one of the books that has been lounging on my TBR for the longest time! I think I calculated and it has spent 93 months on my physical TBR pile! Shocking! I decided that I wanted to read it as I was looking for relatively short books/plays to read over… Continue reading Book Review #13: The Importance of being Earnest