5 Star Predictions, Bookish Content, Uncategorized

My 5 star predictions: The review

Back in April, I did a post making some predictions of some books I think that I will rate a 5 star in the upcoming months based on the vibes of the book and the fact that some of them are by authors I have already given a five star to in the past. This… Continue reading My 5 star predictions: The review

Bookish Content, Uncategorized

May Monthly Wrap up and Stats

I have to say, this month was a good reading month for me. I feel like I am getting back into my groove for reading, not to mention that I had multiple 5 star reads! Let us dive in and see what I read this month... Wrap up time So over the course of May… Continue reading May Monthly Wrap up and Stats

book-reviews, Uncategorized

Book Review #22: The Thursday Murder Club

This book and series has been hyped everywhere, on BookTok, BookTube, and in my local Waterstones! Its hype has seemingly grown ten fold recently with the announcement of it being turned into a film starring massive hollywood actors and actresses such as Pierce Brosnan and Helen Mirren, and I wanted to get onto that hype… Continue reading Book Review #22: The Thursday Murder Club

book-reviews, Uncategorized

May Monthly Hopefuls

Welcome to the monthly post where I give myself unrealistic goals and expectations that will probably lead me to not achieving them! I am your host: the unreliable reader and let us get moving... So, last month I had set myself a goal of reading 8 books. I managed to read 4 books last month,… Continue reading May Monthly Hopefuls

5 Star Predictions, Bookish Content, Uncategorized

My 5 star predictions

I have seen a few videos on BookTube of people predicting their potential five star reads and reacting to them after reading them. It is always a fun concept to watch and I thought why not do it myself! Firstly though, I think it may be a good idea to see what constitute as a… Continue reading My 5 star predictions


April Monthly Hopefuls

Welcome to the monthly post where I give myself unrealistic goals and expectations that will probably lead me to not achieving them! I am your host: the unreliable reader and let us get moving... So, last year I had set myself a goal of reading 8 books. I managed to read 4 books last month,… Continue reading April Monthly Hopefuls