Bookish Content, Uncategorized

February Monthly Wrap up and Stats

I am a bit late, but here is my monthly wrap up and statistics for February! In my February Hopefuls post I predicted that February would be a high reading month...and boy was I well and truly wrong! Wrap up time So over the course of February I ended up reading a total of 3… Continue reading February Monthly Wrap up and Stats

book-reviews, Uncategorized

Book Review #8: Once Upon a broken Heart

A series that took BookTok and BookTube by storm, Stephanie Garber came out with a fairytale esque young adult romantic fantasy to steal all of our hearts. What really drew me to the book however was not the synopsis - although I am a sucker for a good fairytale! It was in fact the beautiful… Continue reading Book Review #8: Once Upon a broken Heart

Bookish Content, Uncategorized

Random Number Generator chooses how many hours I read for!

I am so excited to do this blog post! I always see these as BookTuber videos and I thought that it may be a fun activity to do via a blog: 1 week where a random number generator chooses how many hours I have to read. DISCLAIMER: I do work a 9 to 5 job… Continue reading Random Number Generator chooses how many hours I read for!

Bookish Content, Uncategorized

February Monthly Hopefuls

The first of the month means that it is time to delve into my February hopefuls! Last month I was able to get my teeth into 3 of my monthly hopefuls out of the seven that I originally proposed, which is almost half of them! It was fun having a list of potentials to choose… Continue reading February Monthly Hopefuls

Bookish Content, Uncategorized

A Bookish Q and A

Firstly, welcome to the very first post on my blog! Over the years I have tried blogging on and off as a side hobby to allow myself to have a space to discuss and talk about everything and anything. Time was the main issue I had when I was at university and when starting my… Continue reading A Bookish Q and A