Bookish Content, Uncategorized

May Monthly Wrap up and Stats

I have to say, this month was a good reading month for me. I feel like I am getting back into my groove for reading, not to mention that I had multiple 5 star reads! Let us dive in and see what I read this month... Wrap up time So over the course of May… Continue reading May Monthly Wrap up and Stats

book-reviews, Uncategorized

Book Review #21: Killers of the Flower Moon

I added this straight onto my wish list after watching the trailer for the film adaptation and seeing that it was based on a novel. I am quite clueless when it comes to American History other than what Hamilton taught me, but I want to learn more about it. I have always been interested in… Continue reading Book Review #21: Killers of the Flower Moon

Bookish Content, Uncategorized

March Monthly Hopefuls

It is that time of month again...well not really, I am a bit late to the party! But today's post will be about my March hopefuls. Last month I only managed to read one of the books on my TBR which was slightly embarrassing...not living up to the 50% expectation that I had put onto… Continue reading March Monthly Hopefuls

Bookish Content, Uncategorized

February Monthly Hopefuls

The first of the month means that it is time to delve into my February hopefuls! Last month I was able to get my teeth into 3 of my monthly hopefuls out of the seven that I originally proposed, which is almost half of them! It was fun having a list of potentials to choose… Continue reading February Monthly Hopefuls