book-reviews, Uncategorized

Book Review #28: Clytemnestra

Back at the end of April, I saw that there would be a book tour for Costanza Casati's new release: Babylonia. I saw the cover and was intrigued and decided to have a quick look at her backlog of books. When I saw that her debut novel was Clytemnestra I was interested but a bit… Continue reading Book Review #28: Clytemnestra

5 Star Predictions, Bookish Content, Uncategorized

My 5 star predictions #2

Back in April, I did my first rendition of making predictions of some books that I thought I would rate 5 out of 5 stars based on different attributes such as the vibe or the author. After the success of the first round, with three out of the books being a 5 star, I decided… Continue reading My 5 star predictions #2

book-reviews, Uncategorized

Book Review #23: Heroes of Greece and Troy

This book has been on my Physical TBR for a hot minute. Before bringing it back with me to add to my Cardiff TBR it was sitting in my childhood home waiting for me to read it. It is essentially a book that encapsulates short stories and chapters of Greek and Trojan history. It was… Continue reading Book Review #23: Heroes of Greece and Troy

Bookish Content, Uncategorized

March Monthly Hopefuls

It is that time of month again...well not really, I am a bit late to the party! But today's post will be about my March hopefuls. Last month I only managed to read one of the books on my TBR which was slightly embarrassing...not living up to the 50% expectation that I had put onto… Continue reading March Monthly Hopefuls