book-reviews, Uncategorized

Book Review #28: Clytemnestra

Back at the end of April, I saw that there would be a book tour for Costanza Casati's new release: Babylonia. I saw the cover and was intrigued and decided to have a quick look at her backlog of books. When I saw that her debut novel was Clytemnestra I was interested but a bit… Continue reading Book Review #28: Clytemnestra

5 Star Predictions, Bookish Content, Uncategorized

My 5 star predictions #2

Back in April, I did my first rendition of making predictions of some books that I thought I would rate 5 out of 5 stars based on different attributes such as the vibe or the author. After the success of the first round, with three out of the books being a 5 star, I decided… Continue reading My 5 star predictions #2

book-reviews, Uncategorized

Book Review #23: Heroes of Greece and Troy

This book has been on my Physical TBR for a hot minute. Before bringing it back with me to add to my Cardiff TBR it was sitting in my childhood home waiting for me to read it. It is essentially a book that encapsulates short stories and chapters of Greek and Trojan history. It was… Continue reading Book Review #23: Heroes of Greece and Troy

book-reviews, Uncategorized

Book Review #9: Circe

The bookclub pick of February was Circe by Madeline Miller, a Greek Mythological retelling of a minor Greek goddess. This is not Madeline Miller's first Greek retelling rodeo as she shot to fame within the book community with her retelling of Achilles' story through the point of view of Patroclus. This was a 5 star… Continue reading Book Review #9: Circe

Bookish Content, Uncategorized

March Monthly Hopefuls

It is that time of month again...well not really, I am a bit late to the party! But today's post will be about my March hopefuls. Last month I only managed to read one of the books on my TBR which was slightly embarrassing...not living up to the 50% expectation that I had put onto… Continue reading March Monthly Hopefuls