Bookish Content, Uncategorized

February Monthly Wrap up and Stats

I am a bit late, but here is my monthly wrap up and statistics for February! In my February Hopefuls post I predicted that February would be a high reading month...and boy was I well and truly wrong! Wrap up time So over the course of February I ended up reading a total of 3… Continue reading February Monthly Wrap up and Stats

book-reviews, Uncategorized

Book Review #7: Get a life Chloe Brown

Another month, another audiobook! This month's audiobook was Get a life Chloe Brown by Talia Hibert. I will not lie, I had never heard of the author before watching The Book Leo on Youtube when she recommended the series. I have not heard many people talking about it before seeing that excerpt on YouTube, so… Continue reading Book Review #7: Get a life Chloe Brown

Bookish Content, Uncategorized

Random Number Generator chooses how many hours I read for!

I am so excited to do this blog post! I always see these as BookTuber videos and I thought that it may be a fun activity to do via a blog: 1 week where a random number generator chooses how many hours I have to read. DISCLAIMER: I do work a 9 to 5 job… Continue reading Random Number Generator chooses how many hours I read for!