5 Star Predictions, Bookish Content, Uncategorized

My 5 star predictions #2

Back in April, I did my first rendition of making predictions of some books that I thought I would rate 5 out of 5 stars based on different attributes such as the vibe or the author. After the success of the first round, with three out of the books being a 5 star, I decided… Continue reading My 5 star predictions #2

5 Star Predictions, Bookish Content, Uncategorized

My 5 star predictions: The review

Back in April, I did a post making some predictions of some books I think that I will rate a 5 star in the upcoming months based on the vibes of the book and the fact that some of them are by authors I have already given a five star to in the past. This… Continue reading My 5 star predictions: The review

5 Star Predictions, Bookish Content, Uncategorized

My 5 star predictions

I have seen a few videos on BookTube of people predicting their potential five star reads and reacting to them after reading them. It is always a fun concept to watch and I thought why not do it myself! Firstly though, I think it may be a good idea to see what constitute as a… Continue reading My 5 star predictions

Bookish Content, Uncategorized

Realistic reading week

Last month I did a post where a random number generator generated how many hours I read for a week, and on the back of it I was wondering how long I actually read in a read. I know reading weeks vary for everyone, and it definitely varies for me, but I have never really… Continue reading Realistic reading week

Bookish Content, Uncategorized

Book formats: The long standing debate

In the new era of technology, reading has never been more accessible. Gone are the days that you needed to hold the book in your hand to be able to read it, now you can access it all from the tap of your phone with eBooks and through your headphones with audiobooks. For most readers… Continue reading Book formats: The long standing debate