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April Monthly Wrap up and Stats

Ok so I am only 3 days late this time…a massive improvement to posting my wrap up almost 2 weeks into April. slowly getting there!

Wrap up time

So over the course of AprilI ended up reading a total of 4 books:

Click the links to see the book’s respective reviews

Just like last month, this month was another mixed bag of books. I had a book I read over the course of one day, another that took me over 2 weeks to read and put me in a mini slump, a slow paced fantasy that I was buddy reading so took me longer than expected to get through, and a thriller that took me essentially a weekend to read.

I would have to say that choosing my least favourite and favourite reads will be so easy for this month. The Institute, my only 5 star read, is my favourite book of this month, and Slaughterhouse 5 is my least favourite of the month.

Did I make progress on any challenges?

In a previous post, I talked about the challenges that I want to take part in during this year. Even though I did not read that many books, I still managed to tick off some of the challenges:

  • The Alphabet Challenge

Sadly no progression in this challenge as three of the books started with the letter T and the other started with S, letters that had already been ticked off! I think I may have to start tailoring my monthly TBRs to letters to make sure I hit the challenge goal!

  • Quarterly Bingo 2

This was the first month of the second quarterly Bingo, and with every book I read I managed to tick off a criteria box:

  • Read a book in one day: The Importance of being earnest
  • Read a fantasy: Tress of the Emerald Sea
  • Read a previous Goodreads Winner: The Institute
  • Read a classic: Slaughterhouse 5

This is a brilliant start to this quarter’s bingo and I cannot wait to see my progression throughout!

Did I make progress on any of my goals for this year?

So as mentioned in my 2024 reading goals post, there are a couple of goals that I want to try and complete before the year rolls over!

This month I managed to make progress on my classics goal as I attempted to read classics for a week…which turned into an extended week! The Importance of being Earnest and Slaughterhouse 5 were added to the tick list meaning that I have two more that I need to read before the year is complete!

How many books off of my Monthly TBR did I read?

This month, like every other month this year, I set myself 8 books to read. I managed to have all four of the books I read be off that TBR which is great as it meant a 50% reading streak which is better than previous months.

This month coming I am changing and reducing my hopeful list to 6 rather than 8 as I actually want to make sure I complete and finish my TBR. Stay tuned as that post will be coming out soon!


It is filling up slowly but surely, which is really exciting. This is my first time really keeping a reading journal so I am really looking forward to December to come round so that on the final day before the fireworks go off I can see a summary of my reading year!

For April, I had one 5 star read which was the book club pick of the month: The Institute by Stephen King. He is a master of writing and it has some minor recalls to his older pieces of work, especially Firestarter and IT, which is probably why it was such a hit. One of my let downs for this month was definitely Slaughterhouse 5, it was one of my anticipated reads of 2024, but it fell short with a 2.25 out of 5 star rating. Oh well!

Because of my mixture of ratings, it meant that overall my average rating was 3.88 out of 5, which means that it was my third best reading month of the year so far (whoop!).

The page count for this month ended up being 1396 pages, which meant that on average the book length was 349, and my average daily page count was 47 pages…which was a lot more than I was expecting! It was probably due to the days when I was binging books and nearing 100+ pages (when I was bingeing The Institute probably).

And that is a wrap for this month! Thank you for taking the time to read this post! What was your favourite read this month? Come back soon to find out what books I am planning on getting round to in April!

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