5 Star Predictions, Bookish Content, Uncategorized

My 5 star predictions

I have seen a few videos on BookTube of people predicting their potential five star reads and reacting to them after reading them. It is always a fun concept to watch and I thought why not do it myself!

Firstly though, I think it may be a good idea to see what constitute as a 5 star read:

As written in my reading journal, a 5 star read is a book that I cannot wait to re-read and that I cannot get out of my head! It is a book that I would recommend in a heart beat to anyone. Some books that I can think of that fit or meet this criteria are:

Some of these books that I have read this year so far and have written book reviews for, so if you want to read the reviews for the books that are 5 stars click on their links!

With that out of the way, lets take a look at five books that I think will be a 5 star read:

Book 1: A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon

This is a book that I received recently as part of a birthday gift, and it is realistically a book that I cannot wait to get round to reading. This is within the Roots of Chaos series, a series that used to be just a standalone novel in The Priory of the Orange Tree, one of my favourite books of last year.

My thought process as to why this could be a 5 star read is because it is by an author I have already read from before, and is the prequel to a book that I loved. It is an intimidating novel, over 800 pages long, but I am excited to get round to reading it. It features within my spread of 24 books in 2024 which means I will be able to tick another book off of my list!

In The Priory of the Orange Tree, it mentioned a lot about the past and the history of the world, which is something that I was really drawn to and intrigued about. This is another reason as to why I think this will get featured on my 5 star shelf on Goodreads!

Book 2: Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson

Just like A Day of Fallen Night, this is a fantasy book by one of the nameholders in the fantasy genre Mr Brandon Sanderson. I have always wanted to read one of his books, but with the vast amount that have been published, it has been daunting to figure out where to start!

Although Tress of the Emerald Sea is a novel that is nowhere near the beginning of the Cosmere Universe (I think number 28?) the cover is what truthfully drew me in. Well I have to specify it is the US cover, not the UK cover. I wish I could have gotten my hands on the US cover because it is stunning!

Anyway I digress. I have heard everyone raving about Brandon Sanderson, so I thought that this would be a great pick to go with as I had heard that it was a cozy fantasy. Going into this, I have no idea what it is about so I will be discovering it as I read, but I have a gut feeling that is telling me that it will be a 5 star read! I should be getting round to this soon as I will be reading it with Ellen from Books with Ellen which should be exciting!

Book 3: The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

Richard Osman is a household name within the UK thanks to his presenting skills. He has hosted and co-hosted numerous shows such as Pointless and other game shows. Because of this I have been sceptical to read his books as I had tried with Graham Norton, another household name, and it fell very flat.

But because Meg from Meg with books absolutely adores the series, I think I need to give it a go! I love a good murder mystery, so this will be my chance to get back into the murder mystery world. Again, I do not really know what happens within the pages of the book, so I will have to find out. I do not own a copy, but a lovely member of the book club has kindly allowed me to borrow their copy!

Book 4: The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle

From what I have heard, this is one of the OG fantasy books out there, and I am so happy that I was gifted a copy for my birthday! Thank you Waterstones for putting a post after the Oscars (I think?) about book covers that look like the outfits that people were wearing, because it helped me to find out that this book existed.

When I was younger, one of my favourite films was The Last Unicorn, a beautifully animated film based on this very book…but I had no idea! I have not seen this film in a long time, but the nostalgia grip that the film and the main theme tune holds in my heart is magical.

I recently did something similar in reading The Girl with All the Gifts which is one of the 5 stars mentioned, but then I watched the film that was based from it that I loved when I was a teenager, but felt really disappointed. So I hope that if I do fall in love with this book (which I am predicting that I will) that it will not affect my love for the film. Please!

Book 5: The Institute by Stephen King

Mr Stephen King, the man that has a hold of the thriller / horror space, has entered the chat.

This is my book club’s pick for April so it has to be read soon…ish.

I have been a reader of Stephen King since I was about 13. I remember reading Firestarter and Misery on the beach on holiday and being addicted to the style of writing. He has a crazy way with words that is just freaky to read in general!

There are a few books that I want to read by him like Cujo and IT, but these will have to be at a later date.

The reason I think this will be a 5 star read is that I loved how much Pet Semetary scared me last year when I read it, but I was able to predict the ending and what would happen which is why it was a 4.5 / 5 stars instead of the fully fledged 5! But I have a feeling that this book will not disappoint.

These are our first five contenders! The plan is when I have read all five of these books I will make a new post seeing whether these predictions were a reality. I am hoping to have them all read in the next few months, so hopefully the wait will not be too long for you all.

Have you read any of my 5 star predictions? If you have, let me know your thoughts in the comments section below!

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